
Thought you knew
the Scope 3
issues in your
supply chain?
Think again.
Gaining visibility to hidden
hot spots to move from
targets to action to value
From insights to action, the path to extraordinary value starts here.
Marketing + Communications
Ingrid Rubin
Marketing + Communications Lead
Supply Chain & Operations
Tereza Holubo
Marketing Specialist
Supply Chain & Operations
Kris Timmermans
LeadSupply Chain & Operations
Peter Lacy
LeadSustainability Services
& Chief Responsibility Ofcer
Jan-Willem Jannink
Managing DirectorIndustry X,
Sustainable Value Chain Lead
Stephen Meyer
Accenture Research Lead
Supply Chain & Operations
Matias Pollmann-Larsen
Managing Director
Supply Chain & Operations,
Sustainable Value Chain Lead
Rebecca Sternberg Marttila
Managing Director
Operations, Sustainability
Saranya Hari
Principal DirectorOperations,
Sustainable Value Chain
Josh Whitney
Managing DirectorSustainability,
Sustainable Value Chain North America
Stephen Meyer
Accenture Research Lead
Supply Chain & Operations
Bobby James
Accenture Research Manager
Supply Chain & Operations
Deepak Tantry
Accenture Research Associate Manager
Supply Chain & Operations
Yuhui Xiong
Accenture Research Manager
Supply Chain & Operations,
Economic Modelling and Data Science
2Thought you knew the Scope 3 issues in your supply chain? Think again.
With the climate clock ticking, reducing Scope 3
emissions—those that are the result of activities from
assets not owned or controlled by the reporting
organization, but that the organization indirectly
impacts in its value chain1—has become a top priority
for companies around the world, especially those
that have committed to net zero. It’s a tremendously
difcult problem to solve, given the huge, complex
global supply chain networks that are the backbone
of modern companies. Most large companies, for
example, don’t even know the suppliers beyond
Tier 1, those they interact with directly—let alone have
any sort of inuence or control over them.
This lack of visibility means companies only know
what they can see—which isn’t all that much. They
can’t truly manage Scope 3 emissions beyond Tier 1
suppliers and report them in a consistent, repeatable
and auditable way. In fact, the vast majority of
companies have made little progress to date
in dealing with Scope 3 emissions because
they just don’t know where to nd them.
It’s vital for companies to be able to identify all
the sources of their upstream emissions because,
Accenture research has found, most of these
emissions—nearly two-thirds—come from Tier 2
suppliers (i.e., subcontractors) and beyond.
Visibility into the supplier base is key to putting
companies in the position to act:
• It helps them make better-informed decisions
about how and where to allocate their resources to
deliver the greatest impact. That’s especially critical
now, as companies need to accelerate their
progress if they’re to meet their ambitious
decarbonization goals.
• It enables chief supply chain ofcers and
procurement leaders to understand how to embed
responsible procurement across the enterprise to
drive meaningful reductions in upstream Scope 3.
• And it can uncover a wide range of opportunities
for companies to generate broader enterprise
value beyond emissions reduction by creating
more efcient, resilient, cost-effective and
customer-centric supply chain networks.
The challenge of reducing emissions is enormous,
but not insurmountable. In this report, we explore
how, with the right combination of visibility,
actions and collaboration, we can reach our
goals and put the planet on the road to a
more-sustainable future.
Kris Timmermans
Lead – Supply Chain
& Operations
Peter Lacy
Lead – Sustainability Services
& Chief Responsibility Ofcer
3Thought you knew the Scope 3 issues in your supply chain? Think again.

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