
Chinas National carbon market has launched
China Mainland (“the Mainland”) has now launched its National emissions trading scheme
(“ETS”), anticipated to become the world’s largest carbon market by trading volume and value.
Whilst a unified National ETS is new to the Mainland, the concept and operation of a carbon
market is not. The Mainland started to explore carbon emission trading a decade ago when the
National Development and Regulatory Commission approved several regional pilot markets for
trading carbon emissions allowances (“CEAs”) in 2011. Those pilot schemes have been
successful and continue to operate in parallel with the new National ETS. The long term goal is
for the regional pilots to be consolidated into the National ETS which will be a cornerstone in the
Mainland’s policy for combatting climate change.
In this alert, we explain how the National ETS works and consider what’s ahead, looking at the
key questions our clients are asking:
how does the National ETS work;
how will the regional pilot schemes be consolidated into the National ETS;
what barriers are there to foreign investor participation and how will these be overcome;
what we can expect to see in relation to the development of innovative financial and derivative
products for trading on the National ETS; and
how does the National ETS compare to the current largest carbon market in the world the
European Union’s ETS?
But first, why? Why does China need a National ETS?
The Earth’s climate is changing rapidly. The science tells us that we have a chance of avoiding
the most dangerous and irreversible effects of climate change, but we must limit warming to well
below C above pre-industrial levels to do so. The Paris Agreement set the goal at 1.5°C.
The Earth is 1.C warmer than it was in the 1800s. On the current path, temperatures could
increase by 4.C by the end of the century.
2010-2019 was the warmest decade on record. Bushfires, tropical cyclones, coastal
inundation, heatwaves and more are now common news occurrences, they are neither
theoretical nor rare.
We are not on track to meet the Paris Agreement target to keep the global temperature from
exceeding 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.
Science shows that the Paris agreement goals are achievable only if emissions are cut by around
50% by 2030 and reduced to net-zero by 2050.
A key mechanism to achieve the Paris Agreement 1.5 °C goal is each jurisdiction’s Nationally
Determined Contributions. China’s Nationally Determined Contribution is to achieve “carbon
neutrality” by 2060 (ie balancing human emissions and absorption of carbon, with the goal of
achieving net zero carbon emissions) and “carbon peaking” by 2030 (ie peaking carbon dioxide
emissions with an annual decline to follow). Introducing a National ETS aims to provide a market
mechanism for achieving the required emissions reductions.
How does a regulated carbon market work?
In our alert Carbon trading - Practical insights we described the difference between regulated
and voluntary carbon markets. The Mainland’s new National ETS is a regulated carbon market,
otherwise known as a “cap and trade” scheme.
How a cap and trade scheme works is summarised below.
The regulator determines a
cap on total emissions that
can be made by specified
Entities within that sector
that emit above a certain
threshold of carbon are
required to participate
Participants are allocated or
purchase “carbon emission
allowances” or CEAs issued
by the regulator. The total
sum of allowances matches
the cap
Each CEA is equivalent to
one metric tonne of carbon
Each participant must hold
enough CEAs to cover their
actual emissions
If an entity (Factory A below)
holds surplus CEAs because
it is emitting less than its
allowances permit, its
surplus CEAs can be sold
on the carbon market
If a participant does not hold
enough CEAs to cover its
emissions, it must purchase
more (Factory B below).
If Factory B did not purchase
additional CEAs it is in
breach of the scheme and
subject to a penalty
Carbon Market
Carbon Emissions Cap
Factory A Factory B
Sell credits
Buy credits

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