
November 2022 | When Chilling Contributes To Warming | 1
to Warming
How Competition Policy
Acts As a Barrier to
Climate Action1
November 2022 | When Chilling Contributes To Warming | 2
The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) calls upon all governments and competition
authorities to do everything possible within their own legal systems to reduce or eliminate the
disastrous inconsistency between the imperative of fighting climate change and competition
law or policy. In some cases, this may mean a change in the law; in some cases more ambitious
guidelines; and in others it means changes in the burden of proof and/or presumptions in favour of
genuine efforts to fight climate change and meet the climate change goals to which governments
have committed.
Key messages:
Businesses can, need and want to work together to help fight climate change.
Current competition policies are chilling this.
Competition authorities and law makers can, and must, do more to reduce this
chilling effect: practical guidance is needed.
This can (largely) be done within current legal frameworks for competition law:
where it cannot things need to change.
Businesses, in turn, should take real-life examples of the chilling effect to the
competition authorities.
1 This white paper has been produced by the ICC Task Force on Competition and Sustainability co-chaired by Paola Pugliese
and Simon Holmes and with the invaluable assistance of Ian Giles. Other members of the Task Force include: Georgina
Beasley, Johann Brück, Elżbieta Buczkowska, Carlos Edwin Camarillo, Daniel Castelo, Arjun Chandran, Xiaofeng Cheng, Paolo
Chiricozzi, Polina Chtchelok, Jorge Alexander Cortés, Pablo Cortinez, Zhisong Deng, Maurits Dolmans, Shaha El-Sheemy,
Carolina Espitia, Natalie Flores, Morgan Frontczak, Elisa Geraci, Dora Cecilia Gómez, Edwin González, Juan Andrés Gortaire,
Ingrid Guete, Gönenç Gürkaynak, Sarah Hoskins, Wessen Jazrawi, Abd Alfatah Kahale, Siobhan Kahmann, Nicole Kar, Per
Karlsson, Emmanuela Leal, Claudia Andrea Lopez Monterrey, Carlos Mena, Alejandro Mendiola Díaz, Yan Meng, Juan David
Morales, Alexis Munro, Adolfo Naranjo, Gerrit Oosterhuis, Juan Camilo Pinzón, Angela María Plata, Anne Riley, María Eugenia
Rinaudo, Karin Roberts, Ian Rose, Paolo Rotelli, Ana Patricia Rozo, Antonella Salgueiro, Mónica Sánchez Soliva, Beatriz Sanz
Fernández-Vega, Mari Scimemi, Patrick Thieffry, Marceline Tournier, Kağan Uçar, and Sandy Walker. More details on the above
contributors are provided at the end of the document.
November 2022 | When Chilling Contributes To Warming | 3
Part 1: Introduction to the problem and
purpose of this paper
The climate change emergency is driving companies worldwide to set increasingly ambitious
sustainability targets. As frequently occurs, when regulation lags behind in driving and promoting
change, the private sector has stepped forward and taken action. Rising sustainability concerns
have created increasing pressure on businesses to make environment-friendly investments,
innovations and purchasing decisions.
Business executives and top decision makers are now faced with the dual challenge of becoming
the drivers for change, while still delivering good results to their shareholders. Indeed, while
business success cannot be put at risk, being the first mover does not give rise to the advantages
typically attributed to pioneers, as innovation and change for sustainability purposes do not
necessarily mean that pioneering firms will reap the profits generally resulting from early action.
In fact, it may be quite the opposite: actions taken by businesses to advance their sustainability
objectives usually require investments in the short term and possibly higher operating costs that
often cannot be passed on in the prices charged to customers. Sometimes, this can go as far as
companies challenging consumers’ immediate interests when introducing new higher standards,
as has been the case, for example, with the termination of plastic bags in supermarkets in a variety
of countries.
A head start may therefore mean unhappy shareholders and unhappy customers in the short
term, with the pioneers (and their customers) becoming easy prey for competitors. The answer
to this puzzle could lie in a collective move: cooperation among competitors. When all, or most,
competitors move together and in the same direction, change will occur. What if such change
benefits the environment and society, but at the cost of temporarily reducing competition? How
much of a reduction of competition are we ready to accept?
In other instances, the answer may not lie in a collective move, but it may have an equal effect on
competition. Some unilateral commitments undertaken by the private sector can only be achieved
through mergers and acquisitions. For example, becoming carbon neutral by a certain date may
require that companies dramatically increase their recycling capabilities in the short term, which
could be hard or even impossible to do organically. What if buying out recycling facilities is the
answer? Again, how much concentration in the recycling industry are we ready to accept (if any),
to achieve a greater good?
The interaction of competition law and sustainability has become a live question for competition
agencies around the world, which are being asked to take a position and to say whether they will
stand in the way of such initiatives or promote them. The fact, however, is that most competition
agencies are taking hesitant positions, in search of the right answer between these extreme
positions. Some agencies have been openly supportive of including sustainability elements
in their antitrust assessments; others have been reactive to what they see as unorthodox
economic analysis, or skeptical about suggestions that a reform of antitrust rules is needed to
support sustainability objectives and fearing that such objectives may be used as cover for
anticompetitive practices. At both ends of the spectrum though, agencies have been encouraging
the private sector to bring forward real-life situations for concrete assessments.

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