
Final Version
A Mapping of Technology Options for
Sustainable Energies and Powertrains
for Road Transport
Towards Electrification and
other Renewable Energy Carriers
Status: Final
Version: 10.2
Date: 19.12.2022
ERTRAC Working Group:
Energy & Environment
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Final Version
Coordinating authors
Roland Dauphin, Concawe
Simon Edwards, Ricardo
André Jarasse, Renault
Michael Weißner, Volkswagen AG
Contributing authors*
Xavier Aertsens, ERTRAC
Josef Affenzeller, AVL
Patrik Akerman, Siemens
Jens Andersen, NGVA
Jon Andersson, Ricardo
Antoine Aslanides, EDF
Mohamed El Baghdadi, VUB
Lucie Beaumel, EGVIA
Maitane Berecibar, VUB
Isotta Cerri, Toyota Motor Europe
Ivo Cré, POLIS
Stefan Deix, EUCAR
Benoit Engelen, TotalEnergies
Andrea Gerini, NGVA
Thierry Goger, FEHRL
Umberto Guida, UITP
Bernard Jacob, UGE
Tomaž Katrašnik, University of Ljubljana
Martin Kullman, Volkswagen AG
Dorothée Lahaussois, Toyota Motor Europe
Magnus Lindgren, Trafikverket
Brigitte Martin, IFPEN
Marco Mammetti, IDIADA
Joeri van Mierlo, VUB
Stephan Neugebauer, BMW
Gaetano de Paola, IFPEN
Antonio Perez, IDIADA
Marco Pieve, Piaggio
Luis De Prada, EUCAR
Peter Prenninger, AVL
Mats Rosenquist, Volvo
Zissis Samaras, LAT
Christof Schernus, FEV
Isabelle Schnell-Lortet, Volvo
Thorsten Schnorbus, FEV
Hendrik Schroeder, Volkswagen AG
Stanislav Severov, Volkswagen AG
Frank Seyfried, Volkswagen AG
Armin Sue, Volkswagen AG
Denise Tapler, AVL
Christer Thorén, Scania
Thomas Vercammen, ACEM
Marlena Volck, AVL
Verena Wagenhofer, AVL
Carsten Weber, Ford
Colin-Yann Jacquin, Michelin
Marta Yugo, CONCAWE
*Note, the affiliation is given as at the time of contribution.
This document has been prepared by the community of researchers who are members of ERTRAC, it
presents a broad consensus from a diversity of stakeholders. It does in no way commit or express the
view of the European Commission, nor of any national or local authority, nor single member of ERTRAC.
Some of the work for this document was made under the FUTURE-HORIZON project. The FUTURE-
HORIZON project has received funding from Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under
grant agreement No 101006598.
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Final Version
With the document here, ERTRAC provides the perspective of the research community over the different
technology options to address the environmental and energy challenges for road transport. As a
technology platform, the work of ERTRAC is focussed and limited to technical aspects. Whilst
acknowledging the high importance of socio-economic aspects for policymaking and market success,
these are out of scope of ERTRAC; therefore, aspects such as costs, investment and user acceptance are
only mentioned as key factors but are not elaborated upon in this document. This document should,
therefore, only be read as a reference, mapping the potential research needs for all the options of road
transport with sustainable energies and powertrains. It is acknowledged that European policies addressing
energy and mobility also investigate and weigh social, economic and political aspects, therefore that
European policies are set as a balance of these various criteria. As a technology platform, ERTRAC is not
involved in EU regulatory processes and only provides a mapping of the efforts taking place in the research
community: it is the role of the policymakers, not of ERTRAC, to assess the technology options and make
decisions in the wider framework of social, economic and political conditions.
Recently, the European Commission has developed its “Fit for 55” policy
related to the decarbonisation
of transport in general. As a consequence, the research needs given in this document, specifically related
to road transport, have been identified as being, either completely in line (topic and timing, including the
internal combustion engine (ICE) ban) with that policy, required to be in line (e.g. for the same goal of
decarbonisation, but with possibly different technology and/or timing), or beyond the scope (i.e still related
to improvements in road transport in general, but beyond the scope of the proposed policy). This
categorisation is given as an aid to understanding, both of the policy but also of the industrial
recommendations for European road transport research in relation to sustainable energies and
powertrains within the global, industrial context.
For the last fifteen years, two objectives at the European level have been of importance for the
development of road transport technology: minimizing pollutant emissions and reducing greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions. The recent progress made in reducing pollutant emissions together with the introduction
of “real driving emissions” (RDE), along with the foreseen new CO2 targets triggered by the European
Green Deal, shift the development efforts towards GHG emissions reduction now more than ever.
This document concludes that a rapid and effective reduction in GHG emissions, as targeted in the
European Green Deal, can be achieved in an optimal way via a simultaneous, ambitious, electrification of
road traffic and the development of renewable fuels. To avoid any loopholes in the efforts, GHG emissions
must be accounted for at each stage of their life-cycle, using the methods of life-cycle assessment (LCA).
This means that not only must GHG emissions be monitored at the tailpipe (tank-to-wheel emissions, TtW)
but also that the emissions related to the production of the energy carriers (well-to-tank emissions, WtT),
the emissions related to the production of the vehicles, their end-of-life and recycling, and the emissions
related to the infrastructures must be monitored. Several extreme scenarios were analysed, as shown in
this document, for which different shares are allocated to electrification, hydrogen and renewable fuels,
yet each scenario could reach net GHG-neutrality in 2050 on a well-to-wheel (WtW) basis. The contributors
have accounted for greenhouse gasses emitted from WtW (emission related to the infrastructure and the
vehicle production were not considered) and assessed the emissions offsetting mechanisms (e.g.
bioenergy carbon capture and storage (BECCS)) that need to be used to reach net GHG-neutrality.
GHG-neutral mobility fosters the development of a solution-oriented choice of technologies and the use of
renewable energies. Electrification is a core element of GHG reduction but is not limited to battery electric
See https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/policies/green-deal/fit-for-55-the-eu-plan-for-a-green-

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