
© 2022 United Nations Environment Programme
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Suggested citation
United Nations Environment Programme (2022). Good Practices on Vulnerable Ecosystem Restoration in China. Nairobi.
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and United Nations Environment Programme-International Ecosystem
Management Partnership (UNEP-IEMP)
IIIGood practices on vulnerable ecosystem restoration in China
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) would
like to thank the lead and contributing authors and the project
coordination team for their contribution to the development
of this report.
Authors and reviewers contributed in their individual
capacities and their aliations are only mentioned for
identication purposes.
AUTHORS (listed in alphabetic order)
Chao Fu, UNEP-International Ecosystem Management
Guoqin Wang, UNEP-International Ecosystem Management
Haifan Huang, UNEP-International Ecosystem Management
Jiaqiang Lei, Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography,
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Jingshu Wei, Research Center for Eco-environmental
Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Junguo Liu, North China University of Water Resources
and Electric Power and Southern University of Science and
Linxiu Zhang, UNEP-International Ecosystem Management
Li Li, UNEP-International Ecosystem Management Partnership
Maierdang Keyimu, Research Center for Eco-Environmental
Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Xiufang Xu, Wushen Banner Forestry Bureau, Inner Mongolia
Yongfei Bai, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of
Yang Wang, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of
Yuehan Dou, Southern University of Science and Technology
Zongshan Li, Research Center for Eco-Environmental
Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences
REVIEWERS (listed in alphabetic order)
Andrea Hinwood (UNEP), Arthur Hanson (International
Institute for Sustainable Development), Bojie Fu (Beijing
Normal University, China), Jian Liu (UNEP), Kirit Avishek
(Birla Institute of Technology, India), Larry L Bowman (Yale
University, USA), Mirey Atallah (UNEP), Stephen Murphy
(Missouri Botanical Garden, USA), Susan Mutebi-Richards
(UNEP), Xiubo Yu (Chinese Ecosystem Research Network,
China), Yu Liu (Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural
Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Guoqin Wang (UNEP-International Ecosystem Management
Partnership/Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural
Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences),
Linxiu Zhang (UNEP-International Ecosystem Management
Kerstin Stendahl (UNEP), Chao Fu (UNEP-International
Ecosystem Management Partnership/Institute of
Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,
Chinese Academy of Science)
Strategic Agenda
Beijing Unique Business Co. Ltd
UNEP: Irene Chuma, Sari Sherman and Bakhita Amondi
UNEP-IEMP team: Qinghe Qu, Li Li and Jialin He
The case studies highlighted in this report were possible
thanks to the partial nancial support provided by the
Chinese Academy of Science through the ‘Strategic Priority
Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
(Grant ID: XDA20010303)’ and the Ministry of Science and
Technology, China through the National Key R&D Program of
China (Grant ID: 2018YFE0106000).
The UNEP would like to thank Dr. Cong Wang for coordinating
the information collection and project of the Science and
Technology Service Network Initiative under the Chinese
Academy of Sciences (Grant ID: KFJ-STS-ZDTP-036) and
International Partnership Programme of the Chinese
Academy of Sciences (Grant ID: 121311KYSB20170004).
Our special appreciation goes to the scientic community of
the Chinese Ecosystem Research Network, who contributed
decades of ground-level experience of ecosystem restoration
in the harsh environment of vulnerable regions. Without
these long-term, site-based experiments, monitoring,
research and adaptive management, the cases presented in
this report would not have been possible.
The UNEP would like to acknowledge the support from
the team of UN Decade on Ecosystem Restortation
2021-2030. This report is also expected to contribute
to the implementation of the UN Decade on Ecosystem
Restortation 2021-2030.

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