
in collaboration with
Version: July 2023
World Economic Forum in collaboration with Accenture
Enabling Measures
Roadmap for Renewable
Version: July 2023
In collaboration with
Version: July 2023
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World Economic Forum in collaboration with Accenture
Executive Summary (1/2)
The European Union has pledged to reduce GHG
emissions by 55%by 2030 (compared to 1990 levels) and
to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. As one of the top
five consumers of energy globally, and the world’s third
largest economy, Europe’s transition to Net Zero will be
significant for global efforts to achieve the Paris
Agreement targets. Renewable hydrogen has been
identified in REPowerEU as one of the main levers to help
decarbonize the EU in a cost-effective way and to reduce
dependence on imported fossil fuels.
This report by the World Economic Forum, in collaboration
with Accenture, is an updated version of the Enabling
Measures Roadmap for Green* Hydrogen released after
COP26 (January 2022). The purpose of the initial
Roadmap was to identify key enablers to achieve a scaled
and traded renewable hydrogen market.
The goal of this updated Roadmap is two-fold:
1. To identify policy developments, funding and
initiatives related to renewable hydrogen in Europe.
2. To take stock of the current progress made towards
previously defined objectives and associated timeline.
First, an overview and timeline of the key European
strategies and legislations, financial instruments and
institutions related to renewable hydrogen are presented;
highlighting multiple updates since the release of the initial
Roadmap in January 2022 and a multifaceted EU funding
and institutions landscape. Together the presented policy
measures and funding instruments will contribute to
providing the much-needed attractive policy framework
and investment climate for realizing the value potential of
renewable hydrogen.
More details on these policy updates are presented in the
section “Reference Library: Key Europe Policy Update’’:
1. REPowerEU:sets the target to produce 10 Mt of
domestic renewable hydrogen, as well as to gain
another 10 Mt of imported renewable hydrogen by
2. Green Industrial Plan for Net-Zero Age:enables
Europe to lead the way globally in the Net Zero
industrial age.
3. EU-ETS Revision:sets more ambitious targets for
2030 by decreasing free allowances and including new
sectors such as maritime and transport sector.
4. CBAM:prevents carbon leakage associated with the
EU-ETS carbon market extension to other heavy
industries. A pilot phase will launch in Autumn 2023.
5. Common Market Rules for Future Gas (proposed)
and Hydrogen Market:creates conditions to transi-
tion the European gas market while protecting
consumers and promoting competitiveness to advance
towards Net Zero.
6. RED II Revision:raises the targets for renewable
energy and use of renewable fuels of non-biological
origin (RFNBO) across the transport and industry
7. Two Delegated Act for Renewable Fuels of Non-
Biological Origin (RFNBO):define the methodology
under which conditions hydrogen fuels and other
energy carriers can be considered to be “renewable”
and clarified the GHG calculation methodology for
8. Net-Zero Industry Act (proposed):ensures a
competitive Net Zero technology manufacturing
ecosystem in Europe.
9. Critical Raw Materials Act (proposed):ensures a
secure and resilient supply chain for critical raw
materials required in the manufacturing of Net Zero
10. European Hydrogen Bank (proposed):streamlines
and accelerates investments for hydrogen projects.
In order to realize the maximum value potential of
renewable hydrogen, notably, the presented policies are
cognizant in addressing the role renewable hydrogen
can play within the wider energy system, leveraging its
key traits compared to other main energy carriers.
*This version of the Roadmap uses the term “renewable”
hydrogen – as compared to the previous version’s term
‘green’ hydrogen as the European Commission recently
defined the priority of Europe as being renewable hydrogen
with REPowerEU.
In collaboration with
Version: July 2023
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World Economic Forum in collaboration with Accenture
Executive Summary (2/2)
Next, the 2030 objectives and enabling measures
identified in the 2022 Roadmap are assessed against
current developments as following:
Cost: The energy crisis has led to the accelerated
definition of a regulatory framework for the energy
transition, including measures to decrease the cost gap
between renewable hydrogen and fossil fuels.
Standards & Certification: With the Delegated Act,
criteria for RFNBOs have been adopted and the
European Hydrogen Alliance has launched a roadmap
on hydrogen standardisation.
Demand: The European Commission is currently
supporting major renewable projects 2IPCEIsand
setting targets to produce (10 Mt) and import (10 Mt)
renewable hydrogen with REPowerEU.To ensure off-
take for the production and import targets, an
indispensable steppingstone will be greening the
existing hydrogen demand within industrial clusters.
Infrastructure:The European Commission has
identified 3 potential Hydrogen Supply Corridorswhich
can connect local and external supply and demand,
and serve as focal points for hydrogen development.
Pace of Development:The European Commission
aims to accelerate electrolyser manufacturing and
facilitate economies of scale via its Electrolyser
Partnership platform and the Net Zero Industry Act.
Technology: Europe filed 28%of all international
hydrogen patent families in 2011-2020, and in order to
continue that trend the European Commission has
increased hydrogen R&D funding via REPowerEU.
3. Set clear carbon intensity definitions, thresholds,
boundaries for hydrogen production: both
discretionary guidelines and recently proposed
legislation from the EU and private sector actors (e.g.
the Delegated Acts on RFNBOs and for a minimum
threshold for GHG savings of recycled carbon fuels, as
well as the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance’s
roadmap for standardization) contribute towards the
achievement of this enabling measure.
Finally, to accelerate renewable hydrogen market
development in Europe, it will be important to continue the
current path by following these guiding principles:
Ensuring legislation is future-proof and flexible by
regularly reviewing and revising laws to account for
technological and market changes.
Developing global standards to maintain a level
playing field for businesses in different countries, and to
facilitate international trade.
Providing investors with legal certainty by establishing
clear and consistent guidelines.
Promoting development of practical tools which
empower industry players to navigate the diverse
funding and regulatory environment.
Exploring use of regulatory ‘’sandboxes’’ to allow for
innovative solutions to be tested in a controlled
environment prior to market deployment.
Fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing
between stakeholders to identify and remove regulatory
and non-regulatory barriers which hinder innovation
and growth.
Available Clean Electricity: More ambitious
renewable energy targets have been set which
indirectly benefit hydrogen development, and clarity
has been provided on additionality rules for RFNBOs.
Upon reviewing the various enabling measures in place,
it is evident that Europe has made substantial progress
towards meeting its 2030 objectives to establish a
scaled renewable hydrogen market. To ensure that
these efforts translate into achieving the 2030 objectives,
it is crucial to transform the pipeline of announced
renewable hydrogen projects into committed Final
Investment Decisions (FIDs). A number of enabling
measures can be further actioned and accelerated to
support the scale-up of the hydrogen market in Europe,
1. Create one-stop-shop for hydrogen finance: the
collaboration facilitated by the European Clean
Hydrogen Alliance and its partnership with the
European Investment Bank,IPCEIs, the upcoming
launch of the European Hydrogen Bank and
development of the European Hydrogen Funding
Compass all drive progress towards the realisation of
this enabling measure.
2. Provide Fiscal Incentives for Green Products:
Tax differentiations (EU-ETS)and tax reliefs (Energy
Taxation Directive) have been introduced and will be
strengthened to drive demand for green products
(e.g. free allowances phase out in EU-ETS and pilot
phase of CBAM for import).

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