
Can Federal Eorts Help Build Economic Resilience in New Mexico’s Oil and Gas Communities? A
Can Federal Eorts Help
Build Economic Resilience
in New Mexicos Oil and Gas
Daniel Raimi and Zach Whitlock
Report 23-11
August 2023
Resources for the Future i
About the Authors
Daniel Raimi is a fellow at Resources for the Future (RFF) and a lecturer at the
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy at the University of Michigan. He works on a
range of energy policy issues with a focus on tools to enable an equitable energy
transition. He has published in academic journals including Science, Science Advances,
Environmental Science and Technology, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Review
of Environmental Economics and Policy, Energy Research and Social Science, and
Energy Policy and in popular outlets including The New Republic, Newsweek, Slate,
and Fortune. He has presented his research for policymakers, industry, and other
stakeholders around the United States and internationally, including before the
Energy and Mineral Resources Subcommittee of the US House’s Natural Resources
Committee. In 2017, he published The Fracking Debate (Columbia University Press),
a book that combines stories from his travels to dozens of oil- and gas-producing
regions with a detailed examination of key policy issues.
Zach Whitlock is a research analyst at RFF. He graduated from the University of
Pennsylvania in 2020 with a B.S.E. in Materials Science and Engineering and a B.A. in
Earth Science. He then earned his MPhil in Environmental Policy from the University
of Cambridge, where his dissertation focused on tracking trends in the climate
change discourse of environmental lobbying organizations. Before Cambridge, his
research interests lay at the intersection of materials engineering and environmental
stewardship. Prior to joining RFF, he covered recent developments in voluntary ESG
and climate initiatives for Longview Global Advisors.
We would like to thank the sta of Senator Martin Heinrich, in particular Anaïs Borja
and Edward Tabet-Gubero, who provided logistical support and contacts for this work.
Thank you to Chelcie Henry-Robertson of Environmental Defense Fund, Briana Lyssy
of BakerHughes, Monika Ehrman of Southern Methodist University, and Andrew Curley
of the University of Arizona for participating in stakeholder meetings in New Mexico.
Above all, we are grateful for the time and expertise shared with us by the dozens of
stakeholders who allowed us to interview them for this research. We hope that this
work, and future research, supports their eorts to build economic resilience in their
communities. A full list of meeting participants can be found in Appendix A of this
report. Funding for this analysis was provided by Environmental Defense Fund and by
Resources for the Future’s Equity in the Energy Transition initiative.
Can Federal Eorts Help Build Economic Resilience in New Mexico’s Oil and Gas Communities? ii
About RFF
Resources for the Future (RFF) is an independent, nonprofit research institution in
Washington, DC. Its mission is to improve environmental, energy, and natural resource
decisions through impartial economic research and policy engagement. RFF is
committed to being the most widely trusted source of research insights and policy
solutions leading to a healthy environment and a thriving economy.
The views expressed here are those of the individual authors and may dier from those
of other RFF experts, its oicers, or its directors.
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