
Electric Vehicle Sales
Review Q2 2023
Foresight to drive the industry
August 2023
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Executive summary
The BEV market increased
by more than half its size
across all analyzed markets
in one year
BEV sales growth across all 20 analyzed
markets in Q2 2023 from the same quarter
last year
In almost all major markets, BEV sales grew far more than the total light vehicle
market.In the ten Western European focus markets, BEV sales increased by 49%in
the second quarter of 2023 in comparison with the equivalent period last year,
whereas the total market grew by 17%. In the United States, the corresponding
percentages were 67%and 19%, and in China 49%and 29%.
In fact, the only major market analyzed in which BEV and overall powertrain sales
growth were in any way comparable was in Italy, where the figures were almost
identical (around 19.5%). Of course, BEV growth itself is responsible for much of the
overall powertrain sales increase in many markets.When one compares BEV growth
with the increase in sales of conventional ICE vehicles, the results are even starker
(49%vs. 8% in the ten Western European focus markets, 49%vs.20%in China, and
67%vs.14%in the United States).
The growth of each respective BEV market depends to alarge extent on its maturity.
Year to date, the BEV market in Norway has increased by just 2% compared to the
same period in 2022.The apparent stalling of market growth is little surprise when one
considers that BEV market share has already reached 83%. The reverse can be seen
in BEV markets that have been slow to take off.For example, in India and Turkey,
where BEV market share hovers at around just 2%, BEV sales grew by 139%and
341%respectively in the first half of 2023.
Significantly, BEV market share in France, Germany and the UK, the three largest
European markets, stands at around 16%, widely considered to be the inflection point
at which mainstream consumers give serious consideration to aBEV purchase.Given
that the momentum of BEV sales growth is therefore likely to increase, OEMs are
positioning themselves to take advantage by offering discounts and new products.
Unlike with BEV sales, the fortunes of the PHEV market have fluctuated markedly.
Whereas PHEV sales decreased by 2% in the ten Western European focus markets in
Q2 2023 vs. Q2 2022,they grew in China by 105%. PHEVs fall within the definition of
the new energy vehicle (NEV) in China, and the purchase tax exemption for NEVs has
now been extended for afurther four years, to varying degrees.
BEV sales increase dwarfs overall market

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