
Accelerating Asias Advantage:
A Guide to Corporate Climate Action
APRIL 2023
In collaboration with Boston
Consulting Group and SAP
Images: Getty Images, Unsplash
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Foreword 3
Executive summary 4
1 The battle for net zero will be won or lost in Asia 5
1.1 Asia represents the world’s biggest opportunity 7
for positive climate results
1.2 The current response to the climate challenge is inadequate 7
1.3 Change won’t be easy as key challenges remain at both
regional and corporate levels 8
1.4 Asia has much to lose in a climate emergency 10
2 It’s time to adapt to what’s to come and mitigate its effects 11
2.1 Adapting to a warmer world 11
2.2 Mitigating the rate of change 13
2.3 A single approach will yield great opportunities 13
2.4 Energizing a just transition 15
3 The corporate climate framework 20
3.1 What to do first: immediate actions 21
3.2 What good looks like: Zuellig Pharma drives impact through 22
transparent targets
3.3 Enabling transformation in the medium term 24
3.4 What good looks like: City Developments Limited invests
to address emissions across the value chain 26
3.5 Unlocking new growth 27
3.6 What good looks like: Olam combines digital transformation 28
and climate action
4 Follow your ambitions with committed actions 30
Contributors 31
Endnotes 32
Accelerating Asia’s Advantage: A Guide to Corporate Climate Action 2
The past 12 months were slated to be a year
of sustainability action. The 2022 United Nations
Climate Change Conference (COP27) in Egypt saw
a breakthrough in funding for the loss and damage
climate change has wrought. New legislation in
the United States and Australia raised hopes and
fuelled further climate investment.
While these developments are welcome, the
current trajectory on climate action is still
insufficient. Abiding by existing policies and
strategies only serves to maintain a status quo that
is harmful to our planet.
Asia represents the world’s biggest opportunity
to make tangible change. The size of Asian
populations and economies, together with the
region’s enormous growth potential, offers great
upsides for climate action.
Businesses across Asia need to be at the forefront
of the drive towards climate action. Corporate
entities, whether private or state-owned, are
responsible for an overwhelming share, some 51%,
of global emissions and bear a strong responsibility
for accelerating climate action efforts. Alongside bold
policy development from governments, businesses
can play a critical role in mitigating climate impact
while also boosting their own competitive advantage.
This report, prepared jointly by the World Economic
Forum, Boston Consulting Group and SAP, provides
a business perspective on climate action.
The findings of this report are based on first-
and third-party quantitative and qualitative
research from across Asia. We conducted
interviews with a range of senior executives from
leading Asian companies across sectors – from
energy to transport and from industrial sectors
to agriculture. Our analysis was supplemented
by additional research from a range of sources,
including the International Energy Agency (IEA),
Climate Watch, the UN Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change and the World Bank, in addition
to previous work undertaken by Boston Consulting
Group and SAP.
The ambitions, commitments and promises we
hear regularly are meaningful only if combined
with allied actions, both today and tomorrow.
Businesses must plan their corporate climate
action framework across three key phases. First,
they must take immediate action to measure
benchmarks, set targets and introduce emission
reduction solutions. Second, they must mobilize
resources and accelerate ecosystem collaboration.
And third, they should begin to unlock growth within
their value chain – and beyond.
We live in an age of urgency, and Asia is a
region that will decide the success of global
climate action efforts. Only by committing to bold
and immediate change can Asian businesses and
their leaders contribute to a brighter future for our
planet and better lives for our people.
Gim Huay Neo
Managing Director, Centre
for Nature and Climate,
World Economic Forum
Paul Marriott
President Asia Pacific
& Japan, SAP
Neeraj Aggarwal
Chairman Asia Pacific,
Boston Consulting Group
Accelerating Asia’s Advantage:
A Guide to Corporate Climate Action
April 2023
Accelerating Asia’s Advantage: A Guide to Corporate Climate Action 3

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