
Environmental, Social and
Governance (ESG) Evaluation and Assessment
for Overseas Infrastructure Projects
UK-China Third Country Infrastructure Cooperation
September 2020
China Infrastructure Programme background
This was a three year programme between China and the UK which ended in October 2021.
The programme brought together international and Chinese expertise to increase the
sustainability, quality and commercial viability of Chinese-led, growth-enhancing infrastructure
in Africa and Asia and increase access to private capital.
A key aspect of this programme was joint UK-China working to promote the application of best
practices to improve the quality of infrastructure delivery across the project lifecycle in
developing countries. Through collaboration, the aim was to increase the participation of
international private capital and create opportunities for UK, Chinese and international
Geographic coverage
The programme was funded by the British Embassy Beijing. the programme was targeted at
ODA eligible countries (e.g. lesser developed markets).
The geographic focus of the programme was in developing African and Asian countries.
However, a number of recommendations, particularly in relation to the development, financing,
and delivery of high quality infrastructure projects also apply to other markets The countries
selected for analysis in this report have been selected to provide a mix of countries across
these regions.
Certain reports refer to experience from developed markets where there are relevant lessons
for African and Asian countries. However, they do not cover the detailed procurement practices
or issues faced by Chinese State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in these markets.
Infrastructure project lifecycle
The programme supported changes across the project lifecycle as set out below. This is critical
to increasing the sustainability, quality and commercial viability of projects.
Purpose of the technical assistance reports
The China Infrastructure Programme was designed to bring together International and Chinese
expertise to increase the sustainability, quality, commercial viability and bankability of Chinese-
led, growth-enhancing infrastructure in Africa and Asia.
The programme has now closed. One closure activity was to make certain Technical Assistance
Reports produced by the programme publicly available to Chinese and other organisations
involved in overseas infrastructure development and financing.
The Reports are hosted on CHINCA’s website.
This introductory document provides brief descriptions of each report and maps them to stages
of the project lifecycle.
Intended audiences
The primary audiences for the Reports are :
a) Chinese SOEs engaged or interested in delivering infrastructure projects in Africa and
Asia (and also with potential applicability to other markets);
b) Chinese financial institutions and investors involved in financing and/or investing in
Chinese infrastructure projects in overseas markets; and
c) Policy-makers and regulators in China who are involved in activities relating to Chinese
infrastructure projects in overseas markets.
The Reports may also comprise useful reference documents for:
a) International and British companies and financial institutions engaged or interested in
international-China infrastructure cooperation in developing markets, particularly Africa
and Asia; and
b) The broader community of international infrastructure experts.
Important Notice
The Technical Assistance Reports as detailed within this introductory document were produced
under the UK-China Infrastructure Programme and were created based on information
available at the time of creation of these Reports.
The reports remain under the ownership of UK Government which reserves the right to
separately distribute copies of the report.
You agree to use the contents of the Reports in a way that does not restrict or inhibit the use
and enjoyment of this site by anyone else. The UK Government can change or remove content
at any time without notice.
You agree to release the UK Government from any claims or disputes that may come from
using these Reports.
The UK Government does not give any guarantees, conditions or warranties about the accuracy
or completeness of any content used by these Reports.
Views expressed do not necessarily reflect Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office's
official policies
You should get professional or specialist advice before doing anything on the basis of the
The UK Government is not liable for any loss or damage that may come from using the Reports.
This includes:
any direct, indirect, or consequential losses; and
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This applies if the loss or damage was foreseeable, arose in the normal course of things or you
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