
IMF Working Papers describe research in
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Beyond the Annual Averages:
Impact of Seasonal Temperature on
Employment Growth in US Counties
Ha Nguyen
I thank Rabah Arezki, Bas Bakker, Adolfo Barajas, Rudolfs Bems, Andrew Berg, Mai Dao, Mercedes Garcia-Escribano, Hui He,
Toan Phan, Koralai Kirabaeva, Vladimir Klyuev, Anton Korinek, Ruy Lama, Emanuele Massetti, Rodolfo Maino, Joe Procopio,
Nooman Rebei, Nikola Spatafora and Maryam Vaziri for very helpful comments and feedback, and Ruchun Li for editorial help. I am
grateful to Berkay Akyapi and Emanuele Massetti for introducing to me climate data via Google Earth Engine.
© 2023 International Monetary Fund WP/23/142
IMF Working Paper
Institute of Capacity Development
Beyond the Annual Averages:
Impact of Seasonal Temperature on Employment Growth in US Counties
Prepared by Ha Nguyen*
Authorized for distribution by Mercedes Garcia-Escribano
June 2023
IMF Working Papers describe research in progress by the author(s) and are published to elicit
comments and to encourage debate. The views expressed in IMF Working Papers are those of the
author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of the IMF, its Executive Board, or IMF management.
ABSTRACT: Using quarterly temperature and employment data between 1990 and 2021, this paper uncovers
nuanced evidence on the impact of seasonal temperature within US counties: higher winter temperature
increases private sector employment growth while higher summer temperature decreases it. The impacts of
higher temperature in mild seasons, fall and spring, are statistically insignificant. Moreover, the negative impact
of higher summer temperature persists while the positive impact of higher temperature in the winter is more
short-lived. The negative effects of a hotter summer are pervasive and persistent in many sectors: most
significantly in “Construction” and “Leisure and Hospitality” but also in “Trade, Transport, and Utilities” and
“Financial Activities.” In contrast, the positive effects of a warmer winter are less pervasive. The employment
effect of a hotter summer has been more severe in recent decades.
RECOMMENDED CITATION: Nguyen, H. (2023). Beyond the Annual Averages: Impact of Seasonal
Temperature on Employment Growth in US Counties. IMF Working Papers, 2023/142
JEL Classification Numbers:
C33, C55, E24, O44, Q54
Climate change; temperature; employment; US counties
Author’s E-Mail Address:
Beyond the Annual Averages:
Impact of Seasonal Temperature on Employment
Growth in US Counties
Prepared by Ha Nguyen1
1 I thank Rabah Arezki, Bas Bakker, Adolfo Barajas, Rudolfs Bems, Andrew Berg, Mai Dao, Mercedes Garcia-Escribano, Hui He,
Toan Phan, Koralai Kirabaeva, Vladimir Klyuev, Anton Korinek, Ruy Lama, Emanuele Massetti, Rodolfo Maino, Joe Procopio,
Nooman Rebei, Nikola Spatafora and Maryam Vaziri for very helpful comments and feedback, and Ruchun Li for editorial help. I am
grateful to Berkay Akyapi and Emanuele Massetti for introducing to me climate data via Google Earth Engine.

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