
Transform the Norm
CDP Europe Report
February 2023
A race against time for
corporate decarbonization
From stroll to sprint
CDP & Capgemini Invent report | July 2023
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In recent years, extreme weather events and soaring energy prices
have highlighted the inescapable need for companies to adapt for
both climatic and economic reasons. These issues are converging and
coincide with the same goal: reducing greenhouse gas emissions to
protect Europes energy sovereignty and mitigate climate change to
ensure a sustainable future for all.
Today, Europes sovereignty is threatened by the geopolitical agenda that
triggers volatility over energy market prices and double-digit inflation on
many essential materials (e.g., steel, aluminum, copper). These historic
challenges, both on the social and economic levels, call for emergency
actions from companies and governments. Social, economic, and
political dimensions are intertwined, and companies have a key role to
play along with the public sector to contribute to the paradigm shift.
The latest Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) emphasizes the urgent need to take concrete actions to
decrease global emissions by 45% by 2030 compared to 2010 levels in
order to keep global warming below 1.5°C.
Nevertheless, the path to overcome these challenges is clear. The IPCC
and all independent initiatives, such as the Science Based Targets
initiative (SBTi) and CDP, among many others, promote the need for public
and private actors to set emissions reduction targets. Such targets must
look to both short- and long-term horizons to enable organizations to
monitor their decarbonization journey.
In this way, these independent initiatives play a critical role in providing
transparent and reliable information to companies to monitor their
progress in reducing their environmental impacts. Moreover, such
information enables citizens to understand these imperative issues.
Beyond the denition of a roadmap, solutions are well known to
implement them. Levers, such as energy efciency measures to reduce
both energy bills and consumption, the deployment of renewable energy
sources at a large scale, the adoption of contractual instruments to
promote them (GOs, RECs, CPPA), and the rise of new technologies, such
as low-carbon hydrogen and process electrication, are all effective in
the ght against climate change. These levers are actionable through the
modication of our attitudes as consumers and citizens. However, they
require an evolution of public policies and innovation to be deployed on
a massive scale in record time. If we do not want to miss this window of
opportunity, we must (re)invent the economy to get the future you want!
Roshan Gya, CEO Capgemini Invent
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analysis in this report based on responses to the CDP 2019 and 2022 questionnaires. No representation or warranty (express or
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Executive summary
About this report
Sectoral decarbonization maturity and targets
Reducing scope 1 and 2 emissions and hedging
against energy prices
Scope 3 is the main challenge
Beyond the
denition of a
roadmap, solutions
exist and must be
Executive summary
A persistent gap between transparency
and action
Though the number of European companies disclosing
to CDP has grown signicantly (+56% between 2019 and
2022), 23% of companies still lacked emissions reduction
targets in 2022.
Though science-based targets (SBTs)
are now mainstream, companies with a
disproportionately high emissions impact
still lack them
In 2022, 47% of companies had absolute emissions
reduction targets approved by the SBTi, compared to only
14% in 2019 – a more than 5-fold increase. However,
these targets only covered 13% of the total GHG emissions
disclosed by companies to CDP in 2022, suggesting that
many high-impact companies must still step up, and that
scope 3 remains a challenge. In high impact sectors, too
many companies rely on intensity targets.
Net-zero targets remain in their nascent
stage despite rapid momentum
Just 8% of companies reported having net-zero targets
approved by the SBTi, with a further 14% pending
validation. However, this means that nearly 1 in 4
companies are set to have science-based net-zero targets
in just 18 months since it became possible to set such
targets – a positive signal of corporate long-term vision.
Energy efciency remains the most
impactful emissions reduction lever
Overall, companies have made progress in reducing their
operational impacts – largely through energy efciency.
Reported scope 1 and 2 emissions among the group
dropped in most sectors by an average of 14% between
2019 and 2022 – despite revenues increasing 8%.
Businesses relying on electricity have more opportunities
to decarbonize their energy mix and protect themselves
from price fluctuations than others.
Representing over 90% of corporate emissions,
scope 3 is the key – but actions to tackle
are lacking
The overwhelming majority (92%) of emissions
disclosed by European companies in 2022 were Scope
3, with the use of sold products (64%) and purchased
goods and services (19%) the key hotspots. Despite
this, actions taken to reduce these customer - and
supplier-related emissions only covered an average
of 37% of total emissions from these categories.
Companies must engage with their entire value chain
and establish a credible climate transition plan, moving
from contemplation to decisive actions. This report
presents an inventory of high-potential and accessible
decarbonization levers for specic sectors.
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This report was written by Capgemini Invent in partnership with
CDP, leveraging Capgemini Invent knowledge and expertise on
decarbonization, quantitative analysis from CDP’s 2019 and 2022
public datasets, and qualitative outputs from interviews with 7
selected companies from varied sectors: Bayer, Deutsche Bahn,
DP-DHL, Proximus, Sano, STMicroelectronics, Thales.

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