
Comments on Greenhouse
Gas Emissions and Energy
Management for
Manufacturing Phase 2
Dallas Burtraw
Public Comment
July 2023
1616 P ST. NW, SUITE 600, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 • 202.328.5000 • WWW.RFF.ORG
July 21, 2023
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
4300 South Cherry Creek Drive
South Denver, CO 80246
To whom it may concern:
On behalf of Resources for the Future (RFF), I am pleased to share the accompanying comments on
Colorado’s proposed Regulation Number 27 Greenhouse Gas and Energy Management for Manufacturing
addressing the requirements of House Bill 21-1266, which directs the Air Quality Control Commission
(Commission) to adopt rules that reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the industrial and manufacturing
sector at least 20 percent below 2015 levels by 2030.
RFF is an independent, nonprofit research institution in Washington, DC. Its mission is to improve
environmental, energy, and natural resource decisions through impartial economic research and policy
engagement. RFF is committed to being the most widely trusted source of research insights and policy
solutions leading to a healthy environment and a thriving economy.
While RFF researchers are encouraged to offer their expertise to inform policy decisions, the views expressed
here are those of the individual authors and may differ from those of other RFF experts, its officers, or its
directors. RFF does not take positions on specific policy proposals.
My comments draw on experience in other jurisdictions and scholarly research in order to inform the
decisions that state regulators face in designing the emissions regulations for the Colorado industrial sector.
The proposed regulation would introduce a hybrid system with intensity-based regulation of energy-intensive,
trade-exposed manufacturing entities and a mass-based regulation of other large manufacturing sources,
enabling greenhouse gas (GHG) credit trading within and between these two systems. The proposed design
has many promising elements, but it also has drawbacks compared to an emissions cap-and-trade program,
which would more effectively and simply achieve the sector specific emission target and align the sector with
the state’s economy-wide emissions reduction targets established in HB 19-1261 and SB 23-016.
My comments address the following six topics.
1. The advantages of an annual declining emissions cap with banking that covers all emissions from
manufacturing sources.
2. The disadvantages of baseline-and-credit systems compared to cap-and-allowance systems.
3. The advantages of a consignment auction for the issuance of GHG credits (allowances) used for
compliance with regulations.
4. The disadvantages of trading between intensity-based credits generated by EITE facilities and mass-
based credits generated by non-EITE facilities.
5. Challenges associated with providing off-site emissions “offsets” (GHG credits) at unregulated
sources without careful protocols in place.
6. The advantages of facility-specific emissions limits on facilities in disproportionately impacted
All comments are my own and are submitted in my capacity as an independent author. If you have any
questions or would like additional information, please contact Dallas Burtraw at burtraw@rff.org.
Dallas Burtraw
Resources for the Future

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