
Estimating the Value of Near-real-time Satellite Information for
Monitoring Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon
Katrina Mullan1, Thales A. P. West2, Jill Caviglia-Harris3, Erin Sills4, Thaís Ottoni Santiago1,
Jime Rodrigues Ribeiro4, Trent Biggs5
1 Department of Economics, University of Montana
2 Environmental Geography Group, Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM), Vrije
University Amsterdam
3 Economics and Finance Department, Environmental Studies Department, Salisbury
4 Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources, North Carolina State University
5 Department of Geography, San Diego State University
We estimate the amount of avoided deforestation due to the use of near-real-time satellite
imagery (DETER) to support the Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Deforestation
in the Legal Amazon (PPCDAm), the conservation of indigenous and other protected areas,
and compliance with the Brazilian Forest Code (FC). We develop a Directed Acyclical Graph
(DAG) that outlines some of the econometric challenges that arise from the role of policy in
the estimation of satellite data on deforestation and consider that policy could be a mediator
and/or a moderator along this causal chain. We control for policies that were introduced
simultaneously with DETER, and allow for changes in the influences of prices, agricultural
settlement, and forest conservation policies on deforestation after near-real-time monitoring
was introduced. We find both direct impacts of DETER on deforestation, and indirect impacts
via changes in the influences of commodity prices on deforestation. In total we estimate the
amount of avoided deforestation is approximately 467-471 thousand km2 between 2001-2015,
an area that is larger than the state of California, more than twice the amount of deforestation
recorded in that region in the same time period, and translates to approximately 12 billion
tons of avoided CO2. The net benefits of satellite monitoring range from US$1-5.4 billion per
year when estimated using the WTP to preserve Amazon rainforest and between US$54
US$197 billion per year when estimating using the social cost of carbon.
value of information; satellite monitoring; mediators; moderators; directed acyclical graph
(DAG); deforestation; Brazilian Amazon
1. Introduction
Remotely sensed data provides enormous societal benefits when mobilized to address global
issues such as climate change, natural disasters, and disease outbreak; national challenges
related to land cover and land use change; and regional emergencies such as dangerously
impaired air quality (Kansakar and Hossain 2016). However, the value of satellite data is
largely invisible because the benefits are not communicated to the general public, the data are
used by many private and public agencies and governments in unknown ways, and because
the quantification of these non-market benefits is challenging. Remote sensing data from
satellites have been used to monitor deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon beginning in 1988
with the launch of the PRODES (Portuguese acronym) monitoring system, which publishes
annual deforestation rates for use by policy makers, government agencies, and the broader
public. These data have been crucial to the enforcement of environmental policy because the
Earth's largest contiguous tropical rainforest is too vast to otherwise monitor. The Brazilian
Amazon is home to a third of the world’s rainforests (FAO 2011), contains one of the most
biologically diverse biomes, (Dirzo and Raven 2003; Mittermeier et al. 2003) and significantly
influences global climate (Cao and Woodward 1998; Foley et al. 2007; D. C. Nepstad et al.
2008). Approximately 47% of the existing native forests in this region are protected within
conservation units and indigenous territories. The remainder of the Brazilian Amazon (with
the exception of a few contested public land areas) includes private properties that fall under
the protection of the Forest Code (FC), the central piece of legislation designed to protect the
public good aspects of forests (Sparovek et al. 2010).
The DETER satellite system, launched in 2004 as part of the Action Plan for the Prevention
and Control of Deforestation in the Legal Amazon (PPCDAm), changed the deforestation
policy landscape in Brazil. The DETER system enables near real-time detection of
deforestation and has served as an effective way to monitor ongoing land cover change
(Hargrave and Kis-Katos 2013). The system is used to send daily DETER alerts to the
enforcement agency Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural
Resources (IBAMA; Portuguese acronym) and state environmental agencies for planning
inspection actions to make sure that private properties are in compliance with the FC and
public lands are not encroached upon. These data are also used to implement policies like the
Priority List (a public listing of municipalities with high levels of deforestation defined using
PRODES data) and to target ground inspections that can result in environmental fines.
Large scale deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon began in the mid-1960s with government
settlement programs, large infrastructure projects, and investment in industrial agriculture
(Andersen 2002; Barreto, Pereira, and Arima 2008). This time period saw one of the most
extensive frontier colonization programs to occur in the past century, settling over one million
individuals in the Amazon with oversight from the National Institute of Colonization and
Agrarian Reform (INCRA; Portuguese acronym). By the 1980s, these programs resulted in a
substantial change to land cover dynamics in the region. Deforestation became closely linked
to market forces, increasing at historically high rates in the 1980s and 1990s, specifically with
the expansion of cattle ranching and soybean operations. Reductions in deforestation rates
after 2004 have been explained by a series of policy responses (including the use of satellite
imagery for monitoring and enforcement) that are believed to have effectively decoupled
potential agricultural revenue from deforestation (Caviglia-Harris et al. 2016; Nepstad et al.
2014). These policies at least partially contributed to the more than 70% reduction in
deforestation between 2004-2012 (T. A. P. West and Fearnside 2021; INPE 2021); one estimate
is that they reduced deforestation by approximately 47% below what would have otherwise
occurred (Busch and Engelmann 2017). Existing evidence suggests that the satellite-based
system alone has had an important impact. Assunção et al. (2019) estimate that deforestation
would have been four times greater between 2006-2016 in the absence of the system.
This study estimates the amount of deforestation that would have occurred (i.e. counterfactual
deforestation) if the near real-time satellite monitoring system (DETER) was not launched in
2004 and the amount of carbon that would have been released into the atmosphere had the
deforestation occurred. We begin with the development of a Directed Acyclical Graph (DAG)
tracing the causal pathway from satellite data (the treatment) to deforestation (the outcome)
as is informed by interviews with public officials and desk review of policy documents. We
consider that policy could be a mediator and/or a moderator along this causal chain. We then
outline our methods, specifically addressing econometric challenges including a lack of
spatial and temporal variation in the use of real-time satellites at our unit of analysis (i.e.,
municipalities), selection bias, and the implementation of multiple policies that rely on the use
of satellite data, in different periods and with strong selection bias. Our estimations include
the impacts of macroeconomic influences (such as commodity prices), pro-development
policies and programs (such as INCRA settlements), and pro-conservation policies (such as
environmental fines and supply chain initiatives) and quantify the value of satellite imagery
as the value of carbon stored due to avoided deforestation.
2. Policy context
The Brazilian government began monitoring deforestation in the Amazon forest largely using
Landsat satellite data through the PRODES program (monitoring of Brazilian Amazon
deforestation project) in 1988 (INPE 2021), in response to international pressure to reduce
deforestation resulting from the government incentivized settlement of the region (Achard

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