DOI: 10.13931/j.cnki.bjfuss.2022036
(1. 广东省西江林场;2. 华南农业大学林学与风景园林学院)
2018 年国有林场改革前后的森林资源清查数据,采用森林蓄积量扩展法核算其
革后,广东省西江林场的森林面积增加了420.19 hm2,森林蓄积量增加了10 100 m3,森林碳储量由603 707 t增加
到 615 408 t,从起源来看,森林以人工林为主,其碳储量增加了1.74%。②从森林碳储量的价值来看,2015
2018年,广东省西江林场碳储量价值从5 705.58万元增加到6 180.26万元,增加了474.68万元,增长率为8.32%。
关键词:双碳; 碳储量; 森林碳汇; 蓄积量
中图分类号:F326.23 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1671-6116(2022)-04-0066-06
Value Assessment of Forest Carbon Sequestration of Xijiang Forest Farm in
Guangdong Province under the Goal of "Double Carbon" Strategy
Lu Minjian1,Yu Yina2,Zou Bishan1,Liang Jianrong1,Xie Jiaqi2
(1. Xijiang Forest Farms of Guangdong Province, Zhaoqing, 526020, P. R. China;
2. College of Forestry and Landscape Architecture, South China Agricultural University,
Guangzhou, 510400, P. R. China)
Abstract: Accounting the carbon stock and value of forest resources in state-owned forest farms helps to
clarify the forest resources before and after the reform of state-owned forest farms, to understand the status
of forest resources, to reasonably formulate forest resources protection and management measures, and to
provide a reference for forestry carbon sink emission reduction and carbon peak and carbon neutrality goal
achievement in state-owned forest farms. Using the collected forest resources inventory data before and
after the reform of state-owned forest farms between 2015 and 2018, the total carbon stock of forest
resources and its fluctuation in the Xijiang Forest Farm were calculated by the forest stock method.
According to the classification of different forest types, the carbon stock and value of forest resources were
also calculated. The results are as follows: ① After the reform of state-owned forest farms, the forest area
increased by 420.19 hm2, and the forest stock increased by 10 100 m3, and the forest carbon stock
increased from 603 707 to 615 408 tons. Planted forests contributed mainly to these improvements, whose
carbon stock increased by 1.74%. ② The value of carbon stocks increased from 57.055 8 to 61.802 6
收稿日期: 2022-04-20
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目“退化生态系统恢复的最佳经济投入模式与动态耦合模型研究”(31100402)、广东省西江林场专题研究“广
第一作者: 陆敏健,工程师。主要研究方向:森林经营。Email:125955360@qq.com 地址:526020 广东省西江林场。
责任作者: 虞依娜,副教授。主要研究方向:生态经济、自然资源资产评估。Email:gzyyn@163.com 地址:510642 华南农业大学林学与风景园
第 21 卷 第 4 期北 京 林 业 大 学 学 报(社 会 科 学 版) Vol. 21 No. 4
2022 年 12 月 Journal of Beijing Forestry University (Social Sciences) Dec. 2022