
JANUARY | 2021
Emissions of Carbon Dioxide
in the Transportation Sector
© Tupungato/Shutterstock.com
At a Glance
e largest source of emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2, the most common greenhouse gas) in the
United States is the transportation sector. Emissions from transportation surpassed emissions from
the electric power sector ve years ago and now constitute two-fths of domestic emissions from
burning fossil fuels.
In this report, the Congressional Budget Oce provides an overview of CO2 emissions in the trans-
portation sector, describing the sources of and trends in such emissions and projecting their future
In 2021, CO2 emissions in the transportation sector were 6percent less than they were in 2005.
e decline in emissions from transportation has contributed to a drop of about 20percent in
total CO2 emissions in the United States since 2005; most of that overall reduction has come from
the electric power sector.
Reducing emissions from transportation has been difficult because of the value that people
place on transportation and the dominance of a single fuel sourcepetroleum. Demand for
transportation is much less sensitive to price changes than is demand for electric power, and
people have had few cost-eective alternatives to motor fuels.
Most emissions in the transportation sector come from cars and trucks. Motor vehicles
accounted for 83percent of CO2 emissions from transportation in 2019. Personal vehicles and
commercial trucks (the predominant forms of passenger and freight transportation) averaged more
CO2 emissions per passenger-mile or ton-mile than most other modes of transportation.
CO2 emissions have declined since 2005—despite an increase in travel by car and truck—
because vehicles have become more efficient. e use of motor vehicles has expanded with
economic growth, but the average fuel economy of new light-duty vehicles (cars and light-duty
trucks, including sport utility vehicles, crossover utility vehicles, minivans, and pickup trucks) rose
from 20miles per gallon in 2005 to 25miles per gallon in 2021.
Tighter standards for fuel economy and emissions, along with greater use of electric vehicles, are
projected to reduce emissions moderately over the next decade. CBO projects CO2 emissions in
the transportation sector to decrease by 9percent from 2021 to 2032as the vehicle eet becomes
increasingly ecient to comply with more stringent fuel economy standards. Sales of electric
vehicles, which accounted for 4percent of the market in 2021, are expected to grow substantially.
e use of electric vehicles is expected to contribute to greater emissions reductions in future
decades than it does today because the electric power sector is projected to continue to become
progressively less carbon intensive.
Carbon Dioxide Emissions From Transportation and Other Sectors 2
Trends in Carbon Dioxide Emissions 3
Challenges in Reducing Emissions From Transportation 4
Sources of Transportation-Related Emissions 5
Passenger Transportation 6
Emissions From the Dierent Modes of Passenger Transportation 7
Dierences in Emissions Within Modes of Passenger Transportation 8
Freight Transportation 9
Emissions From the Dierent Modes of Freight Transportation 10
Trends in Transportation Sector Emissions 11
Growth in Motor Vehicle Travel 12
Changes in Fuel Economy 13
Projections of Carbon Dioxide Emissions From Transportation 14
Changes in Standards, Electric Vehicle Incentives, and Emissions 15
CAFE Standards 16
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards 17
Demand for Electric Vehicles 18
Emissions Attributable to Electric Vehicles 19
Eects of Economic Growth and Oil Prices on Future Emissions 20
AppendixA: Analytic Method 23
AppendixB: Data Sources for Figures 25
About This Document 29

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