第1 2 卷 第 4期
2 0 2 2 年7月
Chinese Journal of Automotive Engineering
Vol.1 2 No.4
July 2022
吴佳琦,张 谦,吴小汉,黄耀宇,李春燕
(重庆大学 输配电装备及系统安全与新技术国家重点实验室, 重庆 400044)
摘 要:电动汽车大规模无序接入将给电网带来峰谷差增大、电能质量下降、电网运行优化控制难度增加等不利影响。
应用电动汽车与电网互动技术 (Vehicle-to-Grid,V2G) 控制电动汽车的充放电过程,可有效缓解上述问题,并起到削峰
网互动的基本概念及发展现状,重点从电动汽车集群充电需求和放电能力的时空分布、基于 V2G的协同调度、市场机制
及经济运营三方面进行梳理,分析了 V2G在“双碳”背景下的机遇和挑战,对电动汽车调度及应用问题研究中常用的求
解方法进行了总结,同时展望了 V2G技术的未来研究方向。
关键词:电动汽车;电动汽车入网技术 (V2G);时空分布;协同调度;市场机制;“双碳”目标
中图分类号:TM73 文献标志码:ADOI:10.3969/j.issn.2095‒1469.2022.04.07
A Review of Key Issues in Electric Vehicle and Power
Grid Interaction
WU Jiaqi,ZHANG Qian,WU Xiaohan,HUANG Yaoyu,LI Chunyan
(State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology,Chongqing
University,Chongqing 400044,China)
Abstract: The disorderly charging of large-scale electric vehicles will bring negative effects to the power
grid, such as the increased peak-to-valley difference, poor power quality and difficulties in grid operation
optimization. The application of vehicle-to-grid (V2G)technology to control the charging and discharging
processes of electric vehicles can effectively alleviate the problems above by peak shaving and valley filling
management and smoothing out renewable energy. In the past decade, this technology has become a hot
research topic in the field of electric vehicles and power systems. Firstly, the paper introduces the basic
concept and development status of EV-grid interaction. Then the paper discusses the following three aspects:
the spatial and temporal distributions of both the EV charging demand and discharging capacity, the V2G-
based cooperative scheduling, and the market mechanisms and economic operations. In addition this paper
analyzes the opportunities and challenges of V2G under the "dual-carbon" target and summarizes the
methods commonly used in electric vehicle scheduling. Finally the prospect of V2G technology is described.
Keywords: electric vehicle; vehicle-to-grid(V2G); spatial-temporal distribution; collaborative scheduling;
economic operation; dual-carbon target
收稿日期:2022‒05‒14 改稿日期:2022‒05‒27
吴佳琦,张谦,吴小汉,等 .电动汽车与电网互动的关键问题研究综述[J].汽车工程学报,2022,12(4):411-430.
WU Jiaqi,ZHANG Qian,WU Xiaohan,et al. A Review of Key Issues in Electric Vehicle and Power Grid Interaction[J].Chinese
Journal of Automotive Engineering,2022,12(4):411-430.(in Chinese)