
University of Edinburgh Business School
North China Electric Power University
UK-China (Guangdong) CCUS Centre
March 2020
BHP Iron and Steel
Sector CCS Project
Unlocking the
Potential of CCS in
Chinas Steel Sector
About the Report_________________________________________________ 3
Disclaimer ______________________________________________________ 4
The Team ______________________________________________________ 5
Background_____________________________________________________ 8
Our Findings at a Glance _________________________________________ 10
Technologies for low-carbon steel production in China
___________________________ 10
How to finance a large-scale CCUS demonstration project in the steel sector?
________ 13
Assessment of overall GHG emissions from a CCUS-fitted steel plant
_______________ 16
The economics of CO2 capture in a Chinese steel plant
__________________________ 17
The Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) as an incentive for CCS in the steel sector
______ 18
CCUS business models
___________________________________________________ 19
Creating a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) for steel CCUS projects
_________________ 21
Feasibility of a full-scale FOAK CCS-EOR project in the steel sector
________________ 22
Techno-economic analyses of CCUS in a Chinese steel plant
_____________________ 23
Least-cost optimisation model of source-sink matching of a full-chain CCUS cluster
____ 24
Cost estimation of a large-scale full-chain CCUS project in the steel industry
_________ 25
Making steel plants CCS-ready
_____________________________________________ 26
Communication App - “Steel MAC”
___________________________________________ 27
Stakeholder Engagement Workshops ______________________________ 29
Enable Carbon Capture and Storage in China's Steel Sector
______________________ 29
Financing Carbon Capture and Storage in China
________________________________ 29
BHP Industry Carbon Capture and Storage Project Peer Review Workshop
__________ 31
Iron and Steel CCUS Technology and Business Model
___________________________ 32
About the Report
Over the past decade, carbon capture (utilisation) and storage (CC(U)S) has
attracted increasing attention globally as an important technological option
for climate change mitigation. As the largest greenhouse gas emitter in the
world, China aims to drastically reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. This
can be achieved either by replacing its usage of coal with energy supplies
from renewable energy and nuclear power, or by installing demonstration-
size followed by large-scale CC(U)S technologies. At present, and given the
magnitude of coal dependence of the Chinese economy and the country's
lack of alternative energy resources, it is likely that the Chinese will make
substantial efforts to develop CC(U)S and continue relying on fossil-fuel-
based generation before taking the more drastic step of phasing out coal
altogether from its energy mix over the next few decades.
Emissions from the iron/steel industry is estimated at around 6.5% of overall
global CO2 emissions. As the steel production process features multiple
substantial emission source points, any effective CC(U)S strategy in the
sector needs to address the complex technological and economic issues
posed by the sector. Furthermore, the application of CC(U)S to large-scale
industrial facilities is reflected in the construction of large-scale
demonstration plants as a bridge to full commercial deployment. The pace,
orientation and scale of CC(U)S deployment will mainly depend on
engineering advances and the evolution of comparative costs.
Research on CC(U)S is developing on two fronts: analysis of how societies
are engaging with CC(U)S as a mitigation option, and exploration of basic
technology developments for mitigation and how these align with the needs
of the climate and environmental policy community. Cutting across both of
these themes is a three-way focus on CC(U)S and the emergence of long-
term climate and energy strategies; regulation, policy instruments and public
acceptance; and the international politics of CC(U)S in developing countries.
This collaborative research project, funded by BHP, seeks to build on these
developments by focusing in particular on the development and evaluation
of innovative and sustainable technology and business solutions for CC(U)S
in China’s iron/steel sector, as China represents an important case study for
the development and deployment of CC(U)S technologies. In June 2016,
BHP and Peking University (PKU) announced a three-year US$7.4m
research collaboration to unlock the potential of CC(U)S for steel production
in China. The University of Edinburgh Business School (UEBS) jointed the
project in November 2017 to support PKU Guanghua School of
Management in the delivery of the business case/economics strand of the
work programme. North China Electric Power University (NCEPU) and the
UK-China Guangdong CCUS Centre (GDCCUSC) further joined the
collaboration as an additional source of technical and academic expertise in
CC(U)S. The two-year research project, ended November 2019, comprised
of 13 working packages, delivering a feasibility study for a first-of-a-kind
CO2 capture project in the steel sector. The summaries of the working
packages are outlined in this report.
To request access to or a
full copy of the working
package(s), please email
the project team at
school.ed.ac.uk or visit
us at http://financing-

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