
Beyond Force: A Realist Pathway
Through the Green Transition
Trying to force adoption of clean energy with subsidies, regulations, and exhortations will fail.
The only realistic way to spur the green transition is to develop clean technologies that can reach
effective price and performance parity with dirty ones. Then markets will adopt them at scale.
Climate change is global, so solutions must be global. In particular, they must meet the
needs of low-income countries where demand for energy is rising fastest, and where
ability and willingness to pay a green premium is low to non-existent.
There is no evidence that forcing change with regulation, subsidies, or exhortation will
workand there is plenty of evidence it won’t. Low-income countries will not adopt clean
energy at the expense of growth. Neither will richer countries.
The scale of the energy transition that’s needed is extraordinary: It requires a global shift
of energy production, distribution, and use across all industries. Estimates of the
investments required range from $84 to $275 trillion by 2050.
The market is the only lever powerful enough to drive the transition at the scale needed—
and it will only work when clean energy technologies can outcompete dirty ones without
subsidies or regulation. So, they must reach price/performance parity (P3).
Government’s main job is to help a wide array of technologies get to P3. Some solutions
require technological breakthroughs or scale to become competitive: Governments should
help those do so.
Others will never reach P3; they are a waste of resources that should be invested into
innovation. Governments should recognize the difference.
Governments must focus all their policy efforts and tools on getting key technologies and
solutions to P3. Everything else is a distraction. Without effective parity, all the
subsidies, regulations, and exhortations in the world will be for naught.
Key Takeaways ................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 2
Schools of Force ................................................................................................................ 7
Once P3 Is Achieved, Markets Are the Key Lever for Decarbonization .................................... 10
Climate Change Is Global, So the Green Transition Must Be Global ....................................... 12
We Have All the Tech We Need—Perhaps, But Not at P3 ..................................................... 15
Forcing Policies That Ignore P3 Will Fail ............................................................................ 19
Regulation.................................................................................................................... 19
Subsidies ..................................................................................................................... 22
Taxes ........................................................................................................................... 24
Exhortation ................................................................................................................... 24
Innovation to Get to P3 ..................................................................................................... 29
The Power of the P3 Lens ................................................................................................. 31
Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 37
Endnotes ......................................................................................................................... 41
The climate crisis has rightly galvanized policy and policymakers. Yet, most policy is based on
the core premise that governments must force the green transition within their respective
borders, because without that, the switch to clean energy will not happen. By “force,” we mean a
set of policies that seek to impose solutions that absent force would not be broadly adopted.
Thus, we have massive subsidies of clean energy; taxes and proposed bans on dirty energy;
regulatory mandates for clean energy; and exhortations on companies and consumers to “go
green,” including calls for “degrowth.”
If global warming were a set of national problems, especially where the main problems lie in rich
Western countries, perhaps this forcing strategy could possibly work, at least in some sectors and
some regions. Some countries might be willing to bear significant costs to transition away from
fossil fuels—although even in rich countries there is widespread opposition to policy-induced
cost increases.1 Even in the United States, there is no serious appetite to adopt more expensive
greener alternatives. But climate change is not a national issue; global warming is global, and as
such requires global solutions—specifically, solutions that work in all nations, especially low-
income countries where emissions continue to grow rapidly with an expanding population,
economic growth, urbanization, and electrification. So effective solutions can only be those that
all consumers, corporations, and nations can adopt with little or no extra cost or reduced
performance. The current strategy of forcing more expensive and often less functional clean
energy solutions onto users cannot, therefore, scale globally and is not even likely to scale in
wealthy countries that are most fervently committed to addressing climate change. This is not
pessimism; this is realism.
It is time then for a fundamentally new strategy: We must use government policy not to force
change but to enable change through the widespread development of technologies that meet the
price and the performance levels of dirty energy (“price/performance parity,” or P3). (See box 1.)
That central strategy should be reflected in all climate policies. Without that, the world will not
transition to clean fuels, no matter how many severe weather events we get, how many roads
activists block, or how many speeches climate activists give. But once technology does get to P3,
then market forces, coupled with the willingness of most organizations and individuals to want to
help address climate change, will do almost all the work.
It is time for a fundamentally new strategy: We must use government policy not to force change but to
enable change through the widespread development of technologies that meet the price and the
performance levels of dirty energy.
Other policies, such as regulations, taxes, or selected subsidies, can still help (for specific
purposes, as we will see ahead), although the odds are against the further introduction of large
subsidies even in the United States. Most rich nations face deep fiscal holes because of the
expanding retiree population, past expansion of debt, and slow productivity growth. As such, the
odds of a fiscal surplus that could fund expensive green subsidies are minimal. And there is
opposition in most countries to higher taxes (e.g., carbon taxes), even if pitched as revenue
Moreover, reliance on these mechanisms is based on a misunderstanding. The implicit question
behind almost all countries’ climate policy is simple:Will this policy reduce emissions
nationally?” Unfortunately, that’s the wrong question. Instead, we need to ask, “Does this policy
help drive the supported technology getting to P3?” Because only P3 enables worldwide adoption
of clean energy and, after all, it’s
warming that matters, not
warming, or
warming. The dominant guiding narrative of climate policy is based on the
false presumption that all countries will take sufficient action to dramatically reduce emissions,
even with the higher costs involved.
Box 1: What Is Price/Performance Parity (P3)?
P3 means that for a given level of performance, a green technology has reached price parity with
an existing dirty technology without subsidies or taxes on the dirty technologies. So, for example,
P3 for electric vehicles (EVs) will be achieved when the lifecycle costs of EVs are the same as
equivalent internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles, and have approximately the same
performance in terms of reliability, refueling, range, acceleration, cargo capacity, etc.
“Performance” captures the wide range of product characteristics beyond priceavailability,
quality, terms and conditions of sale, delivery, reliability, and much morefrom the perspective
of the end user. For example, if solar energy could be produced at the same cost as coal-fired
power, it would still not be at P3 if the electric grid became unreliable or if it could only deliver
power for eight hours a day. Factors such as availability and reliability play heavily in purchasing
decisions, so they must all be part of the parity equation. P3 therefore requires that green

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