
Work toward net zero
The rise of the Green Collar workforce in a just transition
November 2022
Work toward net zero
Work toward net zero
Insight summary 06
How the climate changes the future of work 12
The workforce impacts of climate change and decarbonization 22
Creating job opportunities from equity in transition 34
Building a new Green Collar workforce 52
How skills oer pathways and opportunity in transition 66
Setting a policy agenda for the Green Collar workforce 72
Endnotes 86
Technical appendix 90
Contact 107
Work toward net zero
worker requirements over the transition period and
the role of policy in helping workers participate in a
net-zero future.
Just as industrialization gave rise to a blue-collar
workforce, and technology and the growth of services
has given rise to a white-collar workforce, the path to
net zero is giving rise to a new Green Collar workforce.
Deloitte Global’s modeling shows that the skills
required in a Green Collar workforce are not too
dierent from the skills held in the current workforce,
and eectively harnessing this talent to learn more,
teach others and create an active transition to net
zero, will result in over 300 million additional jobs
globally at 2050.
But this employment dividend can only be achieved
by active policy support from governments globally in
workforce and decarbonization policy eorts.
This report presents a Green Collar workforce policy
agenda to guide how decision-makers should consider
supporting industries and workers to adapt to global
decarbonization for equitable employment outcomes.
While this report provides a global perspective – a
framework for thinking about skills as the driver of
economic transition – the challenge will always to
be to act local; to determine the specics of a local
workforce and the skills needed to drive an economy
in a net-zero world.
The great advance over the last few years has
been the translation of this challenge from
environmental or moral arguments to an
economic, and now commercial, discourse.
As highlighted in our Turning Point series, the reality
is now clear: the progression of climate change, if
unchecked, could slow economic growth (by some
USD$178 trillion in net present value terms from
2021-2070) and destroy jobs and communities; while
the economics of addressing climate change, with an
active and global transition, could generate economic
growth (by some USD$43 trillion in net present value
terms from 2021-2070), jobs, and incomes for people
around the world.
Our capacity to navigate the task ahead is informed
by our understanding of structural economic change
and the dynamics that will play out during the fastest
industrial revolution the world has ever seen.
Reaching net-zero emissions by 2050 will
fundamentally change the global economy through
hard shifts in industrial policy, energy systems, and
consumer behavior– how resources are allocated,
and the perceived fairness of the processes involved
in this allocation, are live and critical issues that will
dene history.
Planning for transition and osetting costs with
shared benets will ensure economic history looks
back kindly on the low-emissions transformation and
the governments guiding this change.
In this way, governments will not only be judged
on economic performance, but on how growth is
distributed within economies and across countries.
Equity is not just the product of transition; it is
a critical ingredient to enabling it and driving
sustainability in economies and societies. At the
very center of this is people, their work and their
This Deloitte Global report provides a policy
framework which posits workers and their skills as the
driver of economic transition, rather than being the
consequence of economic transition.
With around one quarter of global jobs (around 800
million jobs) at risk from unchecked climate change,
policy action to upskill and retrain workers can both
realize the potential of economic growth while driving
greater equality as the world economy shifts to a low-
emissions production system.
But investing in skills must be a priority and a
purposive act by governments and business, today.
Considering skills, not just occupations and jobs,
allowed us to assess the incremental changes to
The science of climate change
is reverberating through
economies, communities,
and business, worldwide.
Work toward net zero
How governments and businesses - individually
and collectively - design the transition to mitigate
climate impacts and capitalize on the opportunity
of decarbonization will be one of the greatest
determinates of equality in the coming decades.
The future is not pre-ordained and our skills are not
Just as the Turning Point provided a hopeful story for
our humanity, Work Toward Net Zero focuses on how
skills provide us with a hopeful and purposeful story
of growth – of shared prosperity – for all.
Jennifer Steinmann
Global Sustainability &
Climate Practice Leader
Steven Hateld
Global Future
of Work Leader

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